How to Express Yourself Clearly When You Have ADHD

Saison #3 Épisode #3

How does lack of clarity show up when you have ADHD and what are the impacts in the personal, professional and love life of folks with a uniquely wired brain?

This episode is inspired by a challenge Zarina experiences and that's  the inability to express feelings, thoughts, emotions. ideas and needs, so that they are understood.

Because everything is going fast in the ADHD brain, with information and thoughts travelling at the speed of light, it's a real struggle to select them, put them in a proper order so that the person at the receiving end gets it...unless it's a conversation among ADHDers because we usually have little or no problem tend to understanding one another.

Needless to say, lack of clarity comes with its load of consequences, from arguments with your significant other to hindering professional advancement, it is a contributing factor of separation or job termination.

If lack of clarity is something you are experiencing, this episode sheds a light on what happens in the ADHD brain that makes it difficult to express yourself clearly. It also gives you a better understanding of how your brain works and become even more aware of when lack of clarity shows up.

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