Perfectionism: How It Shows Up With ADHD and It's Hidden Strengths

Saison #3 Épisode #4

Believing there is only one way of doing something and no other option possible to do certain tasks or chores such as folding laundry or reading a book. Thinking that you might as well do it yourself because you will have to re-do it anyway. Having to feel 100% ready before being able to take action for a new project or challenge you're passionate about.

Any of this sound familiar? As many of the challenges ADHD comes with, perfectionism shows up differently for us and it really helps to understand how it manifests to really give ourselves the chance to avoid falling in the trap.


Because from an ADHD perspective, trying to do something and expecting it to be perfect will only result in intensifying your ADHD challenges. Task initiation is an example and when it is extremely difficult for you to get in action, what do you end up doing? Procrastinating.

As a recovering perfectionist, I now see how it was exhausting to always aim for perfection. It was also one of the factors that led me to burnout.

In this episode, we look at the impacts of perfectionism, how it shows up, what you can do to not fall in this thinking trap, but most importantly, the strengths that hide behind it. Yes, believe it or not, there are quite a few of those actually.

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