Are you Time Insensitive?

Saison #1 Épisode #14

Are you time insensitive or time nearsighted?

If you are wondering why you are always late, forget appointments and don’t seem to have enough time, chances are you are insensitive to time.

On the other hand, fearing to be late and doing everything possible to make sure you arrive on time, you are time nearsighted.

But it goes farther than that. You may arrive at the end of your day with the feeling you haven’t accomplished anything.

You may also be under the impression that you won’t have enough time to do or accomplish everything you want in this lifetime or on the contrary, that you have plenty of time.

Adults with ADHD perceive time differently and it’s one of the many reasons why functioning in a world that is so regulated by it is such a challenge.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this obstacle as you will find out in this episode.

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