Phenomenally ADHD

Phenomenally ADHD

Hébergé par: Zarina Boily

A podcast for the hyperactive, highly sensitive and creative woman who stand out from the crowd and want to thrive with ADHD, not in spite of it so they can create a meaningful and fulfilling life. Hey there, I'm...


Improving Your Communication Skills - Part 1

Saison #2 Épisode #1

Feeling awkward in a conversation because we said something that is way off topic. Interrupting people in the middle of a sentence because we think we already know what they’re going to say. Being unable to gather...
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Improving Your Communication Skills - Part 2

Saison #2 Épisode #2

When something gets to us and the response comes from impulse, because it collides with our values or we feel it’s wrong, we communicate in a different way than when we take the time to step back. That can be the case...
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Are You Highly Sensitive?

Saison #2 Épisode #3

Highly sensitive persons (HSP’s) get overwhelmed faster by stimulation and they need to take frequent breaks throughout the day to ensure they don’t exceed the capacity of what they can take in. Reading the generic at...
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ADHD and the Feeling of Not Living Up to Your Full Potential

Saison #2 Épisode #4

«I don’t feel like I am living up to my full potential» is something I often hear in coaching and it’s also something that I’ve been struggling with as a woman living with ADHD. Such a belief takes a toll on our...
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Are You Masking & Compensating Your ADHD Symptoms?

Saison #2 Épisode #5

Masking and compensation ADHD symptoms is a coping mechanism that can develop as early as childhood and you might hide inattention or impulsivity challenges without even knowing it. ADHD is a big puzzle to try and...
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I Think or Just Found Out I have ADHD. Now What?

Saison #2 Épisode #6

If you suspect you may have ADHD or it’s a recent thing in your life, knowing what’s up next can feel as if you’re in a scavenger hunt and feeling confused because you don’t understand any of the clues. It’s easy to...
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How Can You Benefit From ADHD Coaching?

Saison #2 Épisode #7

The coaching process for ADHD is designed as a pause where the coach and the client explore together just what your particular reality is so that you can identify and employ strategies and skills. One way you benefit...
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ADHD, Passion Of Learning and Sustaining Attention

Saison #2 Épisode #8

How many books have you bought and not read yet? How many books have you started and read a little bit of one, a little bit of another one and so on? Do you have different books in different places in your...
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Navigating The End of The School Year With ADHD

Saison #2 Épisode #9

Holy smokes…the end of the school year. How challenging it can be. Can you remember how it was for you as a kid? For me it wasn’t always easy. There are a lot of transitions and endings happening at the same time when...
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A Road Trip To Review Your Mid-Year Accomplishments And Celebrate

Saison #2 Épisode #10

This week I invite you on a road trip to find out what are the important things you’ve accomplished since the beginning of the year because with an ADHD brain, it’s easy to lose sight of all the great and wonderful...
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What To Know About The Impact Of Food On ADHD Symptoms

Saison #2 Épisode #11

  Is eating something challenging for you? From deciding what to eat, to grocery shopping and preparing meals, people with ADHD often face multiple challenges in the kitchen. What you eat has repercussions on symptoms...
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3 Signs You're Under Too Much Pressure

Saison #2 Épisode #12

In some contexts, pressure is one of your ADHD brain’s enemies. If you find yourself in a situation where there’s too much pressure OR that creates it, your symptoms can go haywire, without you even knowing it. That’s...
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