Phenomenally ADHD

Phenomenally ADHD

Hébergé par: Zarina Boily

A podcast for the hyperactive, highly sensitive and creative woman who stand out from the crowd and want to thrive with ADHD, not in spite of it so they can create a meaningful and fulfilling life. Hey there, I'm...


How to Turn ADHD to Your Advantage at Work

Saison #3 Épisode #1

What makes hyperactivity an advantage rather than an ADHD trait that gets in the way of your personal, professional and social life showing up as excessive talking, restlessness and always being “on the go”? This...
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Beginnings, Endings and the ADHD Brain

Saison #3 Épisode #2

The ADHD brain is uniquely wired, which makes it hard sometimes to know if what you experience is ADHD-related or not, especially if you are new on this journey. Beginning something new is exciting, even more so if...
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How to Express Yourself Clearly When You Have ADHD

Saison #3 Épisode #3

How does lack of clarity show up when you have ADHD and what are the impacts in the personal, professional and love life of folks with a uniquely wired brain? This episode is inspired by a challenge Zarina experiences...
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Perfectionism: How It Shows Up With ADHD and It's Hidden Strengths

Saison #3 Épisode #4

Believing there is only one way of doing something and no other option possible to do certain tasks or chores such as folding laundry or reading a book. Thinking that you might as well do it yourself because you will...
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